Four miners were killed in a collapse at the Bay Horse Mine in Zimbabwe.
Four miners were killed in a collapse at the Bay Horse Mine in Zimbabwe.

In a devastating incident that shook the mining community, a shaft in a Zimbabwean gold mine collapsed on Friday, claiming the lives of four miners, with five more feared buried beneath the debris, as reported by the Zimbabwe Miners Federation. The tragedy unfolded in Chegutu, situated approximately 120km west of the capital city, Harare, at the Bay Horse Mine, a site emblematic of the nation’s rich mineral wealth.

President of the Zimbabwe Miners Federation, Henrietta Rushwaya, confirmed the grim news, stating, “Four dead bodies have been retrieved so far, and five are still trapped.” She further informed that 21 individuals had been successfully rescued from the collapsed mine, underscoring the valiant efforts made amid the crisis.

Initial reports from state television ZBC had indicated the possibility of 18 individuals being trapped underground. However, Rushwaya clarified, “At the time of collapse, 13 people were pushed out, alive, and another eight were rescued alive.” The incident, which occurred in a region grappling with economic challenges, sheds light on the perilous conditions under which many miners operate.

Rescue operations, led by the government and aided by artisanal miners, discovered the bodies of the deceased miners underneath rocks during an intensive search effort. This heartbreaking incident serves as a stark reminder of the risks associated with illegal mining, a consequence of the country’s economic struggles, where miners often find themselves working in hazardous environments.

Zimbabwe, a nation blessed with vast reserves of platinum, diamonds, gold, coal, and copper, continues to face the consequences of an ailing economy. The incident underscores the urgent need for comprehensive measures to regulate mining practices and ensure the safety of those working in the industry. As the nation mourns the loss of these miners, there is a collective call for heightened vigilance and enhanced safety protocols to prevent such tragic events in the future.

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source: News24

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