Modern Slavery Act Statement

Modern Slavery Act Statement for One Africa News Today

One Africa News Today is committed to ensuring that slavery, servitude, forced labour, and human trafficking (collectively, “modern slavery”) do not occur in our business or supply chains.

We recognise that modern slavery is a global problem and that businesses have a responsibility to prevent it. We are committed to taking steps to identify and address any potential risks of modern slavery in our operations and supply chains.

We expect all of our employees, suppliers, and partners to share our commitment to preventing modern slavery. We also require our suppliers to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including those related to modern slavery.

As part of our commitment to preventing modern slavery, we have taken the following steps:

  • We have developed a modern slavery policy that sets out our commitment to preventing modern slavery and our expectations for our employees, suppliers, and partners.
  • We have conducted a risk assessment of our operations and supply chains to identify any potential risks of modern slavery.
  • We require all of our suppliers to sign our modern slavery statement and to provide us with information about their policies and practices related to modern slavery.
  • We provide training to our employees and suppliers to raise awareness of modern slavery and to help them identify and report any potential cases of modern slavery.

We will continue to monitor our operations and supply chains to ensure that we are taking effective measures to prevent modern slavery. We will also review and update our modern slavery policy and procedures on a regular basis to ensure that they remain effective.

If you have any questions or concerns about our approach to preventing modern slavery, please contact us at

This statement has been approved by the One Africa News Today management team and is signed by the CEO.