Earthquake of 3.5 magnitude shakes NE Trinidad

An earth­quake of 3.5 mag­ni­tude and at a depth of 35.1 kilo­me­tres gave the north-east­ern part of Trinidad a shake on Sat­ur­day morn­ing, at about 9:18 am.

Pre­lim­i­nary da­ta from The UWI’s Seis­mic Re­search Cen­tre (UWI-SRC) shows that the quake was lo­cat­ed at Lat­i­tude 10.54 de­grees North and Lon­gi­tude 61.17 de­grees West.

It may have been felt most strong­ly in the San­gre Grande area, in par­tic­u­lar.  UWI-SRC’s da­ta sug­gests it was po­si­tioned some 16-22 km south-east of Ari­ma; 40 km east-south-east of Port of Spain; and 45 km north-east of San Fer­nan­do.

Res­i­dents lo­cat­ed in the west­ern ar­eas of Trinidad re­port­ed not feel­ing any tremors.  Those who re­spond­ed to UWI-SRC’s call to share their quake ex­pe­ri­ence in­clud­ed those who felt the quake and those who did not.

Pos­i­tive re­ports came in from Mt Hope, Curepe (where an af­ter­shock may have been felt) and Ch­agua­nas, as well as far south as Na­pari­ma Col­lege in San Fer­nan­do.

How­ev­er, cit­i­zens in Ari­ma, Pi­ar­co, San Juan, Cunu­pia and Diego Mar­tin said they did not a thing.

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