
African Tourism Rebounds Strongly Despite Challenges

In a promising turn, Africa's major tourist destinations and source markets are poised to exceed pre-pandemic values by the end…

8 months ago

Rwanda Announces Visa-Free Entry For All Africans

In a significant move towards enhancing intra-African travel and promoting unity, Rwanda has declared visa-free entry for all Africans. President…

8 months ago

Germany’s President Apologises for Colonial-Era Murders in Tanzania

German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier issued a formal apology for the colonial-era murders that occurred in Tanzania during Germany’s rule, expressing…

8 months ago

Nigeria’s Naira Witnesses Significant Rebound, Surpassing N900 to $1 Mark

In a remarkable turn of events, Nigeria's Naira has experienced a substantial surge against the US dollar, sending ripples across…

8 months ago

Investing in Human Resources: A Catalyst for Health Sector Growth in Zimbabwe

  Mutare, Zimbabwe – Zimbabwe has an annual average population growth of 1.5% and high burden of communicable and non-communicable…

8 months ago

Zimbabwe: Controversial Visit of Belarusian General Raises Concerns

The recent visit of Belarusian army general Viktor Sheiman to Zimbabwe has sparked controversy and raised concerns among international observers.…

8 months ago

One Africa News Today Video Summary – week – 30 October 2023 One Africa News Today – your go-to source for the latest news and updates from across the African…

8 months ago

Italy PM Giorgia Meloni Expresses Ukraine And Immigration Fatigue In Call With Russian Pranksters Posing As Head Of African Union

In a recent prank call, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni shared candid thoughts on international issues. The 13-minute audio, released…

8 months ago

Boko Haram Attacks Northeast Nigerian Village – Dozens Dead

Extremists in northeastern Nigeria killed at least 37 villagers in two different attacks, residents said Wednesday, highlighting once again how…

8 months ago

White House Statement: Strong Support for AGOA Reauthorization

In a statement release dated November 01, 2023, the US White House has expressed its strong support for the authorisation…

8 months ago