Immunizations conference ends with consensus to advance immunization goals in Africa

Brazzaville – With one in five children currently missing crucial immunisations, African Immunisation experts have pledged to address the pressing issue of vaccine access and equity. Following an intensive and collaborative meeting of the Regional Immunisation Technical Advisory Group (RITAG) in Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo, over 150 immunisation experts in the African Region committed to enhancing access and accelerating efforts to protect children from vaccine-preventable diseases.

Held over the course of three days, the meeting brought together a diverse group of experts, including experts from WHO, Gavi, UNICEF, government officials, healthcare professionals, and representatives from non-governmental organizations, to discuss and strategize on critical immunization challenges facing the African continent.

“This meeting reinforces the importance of collaboration and innovation to achieve our common goal of protecting the health of all African children. We are leaving this meeting with renewed energy and determination to ensure that vaccines reach every corner of the continent,” said Prof Helen Rees, RITAG Chair.

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on routine childhood immunization in the African region cannot be overstated. Gains achieved were not only halted but regressed, with the number of African children missing routine vaccinations rising from 7.7 million in 2020 to nearly 12 million in 2022. The decline in childhood vaccination uptake, has led to the resurgence of diseases such as diphtheria, whooping cough, and yellow fever, with recurrent measles outbreaks in 17 countries. This setback disproportionately affects poor, marginalized communities, as well as those in conflict or fragile settings.

The WHO Regional Director for Africa, Dr Matshidiso Moeti noted that the during the pandemic, the link between the virus, emergencies, and non-communicable diseases, brought to the fore, the importance of integrating disease interventions as the most efficient way to tackle disease burden. The need to integrate all routine immunizations to include adolescents and adults into primary health and chronic disease care was also highlighted.

“The pandemic highlighted beyond any doubt the critical importance of vaccination as a public health tool, whose impact saved not only lives, but also livelihoods, and national economies. Very importantly, it vividly pinpointed the need to generate the data required for evidence-based decision-making, and the vital role played by experts in interpreting and using the evidence to inform policy and action, taking regional and national contexts into account,” said Dr Matshidiso Moeti, WHO Regional Director for Africa.

The experts were urged to not only use this in your strategic guidance and policy direction on immunization, but also assist in evaluating the effectiveness of EPI programmes, and the way in which RITAG recommendations are used to deliver results.

Participants engaged in in-depth discussions and workshops over the course of the meeting, emphasizing the importance of collaborative efforts and data-driven decision-making in achieving immunization goals.

The experts underscored their shared commitment to advancing immunization efforts in the region and aligning with global vaccination initiatives. The outcomes of this gathering will contribute to building resilient immunization systems that can withstand future health challenges and promote health equity throughout Africa.

Established in 2016, RITAG advises the WHO African region on vaccination policies. With 15 diverse members, RITAG covers all vaccine-preventable diseases and age groups. Responsibilities include advising on vaccine selection, safety, surveillance, delivery of services, health systems strengthening, and community engagement.

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source: WHO+Africa

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