Nigeria Suspends Licenses of Private Jet Operators Engaging in Commercial Flights
Nigeria Suspends Licenses of Private Jet Operators Engaging in Commercial Flights

The Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) has taken decisive action against private jet operators found to be conducting commercial flight operations in violation of regulations. Acting Director General, Chris Najomo, announced the suspension of the permits of three private jet owners, citing their engagement in commercial activities despite holding permits for non-commercial flights.

The move comes after Minister of Aviation and Aerospace Development, Festus Keyamo, issued directives to halt the use of private jets for commercial purposes, following previous warnings from the NCAA against such practices. The regulator intensified surveillance activities across Nigerian airports to monitor private jet activities, leading to the identification of several operators in breach of regulatory requirements.

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In response to these violations, the NCAA suspended the permits of the implicated operators and ordered a re-evaluation of all holders of permits for non-commercial flights. The re-evaluation process aims to ensure compliance with regulatory standards and will require affected operators to submit relevant documentation within 72 hours.

The regulator also confirmed that existing Air Operator Certificate (AOC) holders must adhere to strict guidelines when utilising aircraft listed on their permits for commercial charter operations. Only aircraft listed in the Operation Specifications of the AOC are authorised for charter services, and any deviation from this requirement must be approved by the NCAA.

Furthermore, the NCAA urged the travelling public to verify the legitimacy of airline charter operators by ensuring they hold valid Air Operators Certificates issued by the authority. This measure aims to safeguard passengers and maintain the integrity of Nigeria’s aviation industry.

The crackdown on private jet operators underscores Nigeria’s commitment to upholding aviation regulations and ensuring flight safety. The NCAA’s zero-tolerance approach to regulatory violations sends a clear message that non-compliance will not be tolerated in the country’s airspace.

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