Ethiopia Reclaims Historic Aircraft "Tsehai" From Italy
‘Tsehai’ – Ethiopia’s first-ever airplane built in 1935

Ethiopia celebrates a historic milestone as Italy formally returns the first aircraft ever built in Ethiopia, “Tsehai,” in a ceremony held in Rome. This remarkable event marks a moment of great pride for the Ethiopian people, as their Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed, receives the iconic aircraft.

“Tsehai” holds a unique place in Ethiopian history. Constructed in 1935, it was the first aircraft ever built in Ethiopia, a testament to the country’s modernisation efforts during that era. The collaborative efforts of the German engineer and pilot Herr Ludwig Weber, along with Ethiopian individuals, brought this aircraft to life. Its name, “Tsehai,” was chosen to honour Princess Tsehai, the daughter of Emperor Haile Selassie I, adding sentimental value to its historic significance.

Princess Tsehai Haile Selassie - daughter of Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia
Princess Tsehai Haile Selassie – daughter of Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia

Over the past year, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has tirelessly worked in discussions with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni to ensure the return of this historic aircraft to Ethiopia. “Tsehai” is a two-seat, dual-controlled aircraft that featured a powerful engine. It possessed essential components such as a compass, pilot controls, and two fixed landing gears without brakes. The aircraft was powered by a seven-cylinder Walter Vinus engine with a water-cooling system, boasting a horsepower of 115.

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The maiden flight of “Tsehai” took place in December 1935 when Weber piloted it on a 50-kilometer journey from Addis Ababa. The flight, lasting approximately seven minutes, saw the airplane maintaining an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level. “Tsehai” stands as the sole aircraft manufactured in Ethiopia prior to World War II. Unfortunately, the plane’s history was short-lived as the Fascist invasion forced Weber and his staff to leave Ethiopia in May 1936, just days before the city fell to Italian forces.

Subsequently, “Tsehai” was abandoned and appropriated by Italian authorities, eventually finding its way to the Italian Aviation Museum in Rome. The Paris Peace Conference in 1946 led to Italy signing a Peace Treaty with the United Nations in 1947, which included Article 37. This article stipulated that Italy should return all works of art, religious objects, archives, and objects of historical value belonging to Ethiopia or its nationals, removed from Ethiopia to Italy since October 3, 1935. “Tsehai,” the “aeroplane of the Negus” (Emperor), unmistakably falls within the category of objects of historical value as it was made under Ethiopian government auspices.

Ethiopia Reclaims Historic Aircraft "Tsehai" From Italy
Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (left)

Prime Minister Abiy expressed his immense pride and gratitude during the handover ceremony, stating, “Today is a day of great pride for Ethiopians as we celebrate the official handover of ‘Tsehai’ by the Italian Government. I extend my immense gratitude to Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni for her support over the past year in facilitating its return.”

The return of “Tsehai” goes beyond the recovery of a historic artefact; it symbolises the strong bond between Italy and Ethiopia and highlights the value of dialogue and international cooperation. Plans are already in place for the aircraft’s future. It will not be hidden away in a hangar but will be displayed proudly in a special museum area, serving as a testament to Ethiopia’s aviation history and a reminder of the country’s resilience in the face of colonial ambitions.

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