African Union Headquarters in Addis Ababa Ethiopia
African Union Headquarters in Addis Ababa Ethiopia

Agenda 2063 is Africa’s ambitious blueprint and master plan for transforming the African continent into a global powerhouse. This strategic framework aims to deliver on goals for inclusive and sustainable development, embodying the Pan-African drive for unity, self-determination, freedom, progress, and collective prosperity. Rooted in the principles of Pan-Africanism and the African Renaissance, Agenda 2063 represents a concrete manifestation of these ideals.

The Genesis of Agenda 2063

The birth of Agenda 2063 stemmed from a critical realisation among African leaders: there was a need to shift focus from the historical struggle against apartheid and the attainment of political independence, which had been the primary concerns of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU), the precursor to the African Union (AU). Instead, the focus needed to pivot towards inclusive social and economic development, continental and regional integration, democratic governance, and peace and security. These areas were identified as essential for repositioning Africa as a dominant player on the global stage.

Commitment to a New Path

In May 2013, during the Golden Jubilee celebrations marking the formation of the OAU/AU, African heads of state and government affirmed their commitment to this new path by signing the 50th Anniversary Solemn Declaration. This declaration marked a re-dedication to the Pan-African Vision of “An integrated, prosperous, and peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens, representing a dynamic force in the international arena.” Agenda 2063 is the tangible framework through which the continent aims to achieve this vision over a 50-year period, from 2013 to 2063.

Vision for the Future

Former AU Commission Chairperson, Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, captured the essence of the Africa envisioned in Agenda 2063. The framework acknowledges the necessity of a long-term development trajectory due to several factors:

  • Ongoing Structural Transformations: Africa needs to revise and adapt its development agenda to match these changes.
  • Peace and Conflict Reduction: Increased peace and a reduction in conflicts set the stage for development.
  • Economic Growth and Social Progress: Renewed economic growth and significant social progress are vital for the continent’s future.
  • People-Centered Development: Emphasising gender equality and youth empowerment.
  • Global Contexts: Adapting to increased globalisation and the ICT revolution.
  • Unity and Power: A more unified Africa capable of rallying support around its common agenda.
  • Emerging Opportunities: Leveraging development and investment opportunities in areas like agri-business, infrastructure, health, education, and value addition in African commodities.


Key Components of Agenda 2063

Agenda 2063 outlines Africa’s aspirations for the future and identifies key flagship programs designed to boost economic growth and development, leading to the rapid transformation of the continent. It also details the activities to be undertaken in its 10-year implementation plans, ensuring that both quantitative and qualitative transformational outcomes are delivered for Africa’s people.

Flagship Programs and Implementation Plans

The flagship programs under Agenda 2063 include initiatives that aim to transform Africa’s infrastructure, enhance its industrialisation, and improve the well-being of its people. These programs are complemented by detailed 10-year implementation plans that guide the continent towards achieving the ambitious goals set out in the agenda.

  1. Integrated High Speed Train Network 

The project aims to connect all African capitals and commercial centres through an African High Speed Train Network thereby facilitating the movement of goods, factor services and people. The increased connectivity by rail also aims to reduce transport costs and relieve congestion of current and future systems.

Find out more about our Transport, Infrastructure and Energy Initiatives 

  1. Formulation of an African Commodities Strategy 

The development of a continental commodities strategy is seen as key to enabling African countries to add value, extract higher rents from their commodities, integrate into the Global Value chains, and promote vertical and horizontal diversification anchored in value addition and local content development. The strategy aims to transform Africa from simply being a raw materials supplier for the rest of the world to a continent that actively uses its own resources to ensure the economic development of Africans

Find out more about our programmes to boost Africa’s production and trade in commodities

  1. Establishment of The African Continental Free Trade Area (Afcfta) 

Accelerate intra-African trade and boost Africa’s trading position in the global market place. The AfCFTA aims to significantly accelerate growth of Intra-Africa trade and use trade more effectively as an engine of growth and sustainable development by doubling intra-Africa trade, strengthening Africa’s common voice and policy space in global trade negotiations

Find out more about our initiatives to foster regional integration and to boost intra-African trade 

  1. The African Passport And Free Movement of People 

Remove restrictions on Africans ability to travel, work and live within their own continent. The initiative aims at transforming Africa’s laws, which remain generally restrictive on movement of people despite political commitments to bring down borders with the view to promoting the issuance of visas by Member States to enhance free movement of all African citizens in all African countries.

Find out more about our initiatives to remove border restrictions and foster continental integration by promoting free movement of Africans within the continent 

  1. Silencing The Guns By 2020 

To achieve the goals of Agenda 2063, Africa needs to work towards ending all wars, civil conflicts, gender-based violence, violent conflicts and preventing genocide. In addition progress in the areas are to be monitored through the establishment and operationalisation of an African Human Security Index (AHSI)

Find out more about our peace keeping activities 

  1. Implementation of The Grand Inga Dam Project 

The development of the Inga Dam is expected to generate 43,200 MW of power, to support current regional power pools and their combined service to transform Africa from traditional to modern sources of energy and ensure access of all Africans to clean and affordable electricity.

Find out more about our Transport, Infrastructure and Energy Initiatives 

  1. Establishment of A Single African Air-Transport Market (Saatm) 

The SAATM aims to ensure intra-regional connectivity between the capital cities of Africa and create a single unified air transport market in Africa, as an impetus to the continent’s economic integration and growth agenda. SAATM provides for the full liberalisation of intra-African air transport services in terms of market access, traffic rights for scheduled and freight air services by eligible airlines thereby improving air services connectivity and air carrier efficiencies. It removes restrictions on ownership and provides for the full liberalisation of frequencies, tariffs and capacity. It also provides eligibility criteria for African community carriers, safety and security standards, mechanisms for fair competition and dispute settlement as well as consumer protection.

Find out more about our Transport, Infrastructure and Energy Initiatives 

  1. Establishment of An Annual African Economic Forum 

The annual African Economic Forum, is a multi-stakeholder meeting that brings together the African political leadership, the private sector, academia and civil society to reflect on how to accelerate Africa’s economic transformation harnessing its vast resources to enhance the development of the African people. The forum discusses key opportunities as well as the constraints that hamper economic development and proposes measures to be taken to realise the Aspirations and goals of Agenda 2063.

Find out more about our economic integration initiatives and programmes to boost Africa’s private sector growth and investment 

  1. Establishment of The African Financial Institutions 

The creation of African Continental Financial Institutions aims at accelerating integration and socio-economic development of the continent through the establishment of organisations which will play a pivotal role in the mobilization of resources and management of the African financial sector. The financial institutions envisaged to promote economic integration are the African Investment Bank and Pan African Stock Exchange; the African Monetary Fund and the African Central Bank.

Find out more about the initiatives to create Africa’s continental financial institutions 

  1. The Pan-African E-Network 

This aims to put in place policies and strategies that will lead to transformative e-applications and services in Africa; especially the intra-African broad band terrestrial infrastructure; and cyber security, making the information revolution the basis for service delivery in the bio and nanotechnology industries and ultimately transform Africa into an e-Society.

Find out more about our programmes to grow Africa’s ICT sector 

  1. Africa Outer Space Strategy 

The Africa outer space strategy aims to strengthen Africa’s use of outer space to bolster its development. Outer space is of critical importance to the development of Africa in all fields: agriculture, disaster management, remote sensing, climate forecast, banking and finance, as well as defence and security. Africa’s access to space technology products is no longer a matter of luxury and there is a need to speed up access to these technologies and products. New developments in satellite technologies make these accessible to African countries and appropriate policies and strategies are required to develop a regional market for space products in Africa.

Find out more about our programmes aimed to boost innovation and to grow science and technology 

  1. An African Virtual And E-University 

This project aims to use ICT based programmes to increase access to tertiary and continuing education in Africa by reaching large numbers of students and professionals in multiple sites simultaneously. It aims to develop relevant and high quality Open, Distance and eLearning (ODeL) resources to offer students guaranteed access to the University from anywhere in the world and anytime (24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Find out more about our programmes aimed to education through the use of innovative technology

  1. Cyber Security 

The decision to adopt Cyber Security as a flagship programme of Agenda 2063 is a clear indication that Africa needs to not only incorporate in its development plans the rapid changes brought about by emerging technologies, but also to ensure that these technologies are used for the benefit of African individuals, institutions or nation states by ensuring data protection and safety online. The Cyber Security project is guided by the African Union Convention on Cyber Security and Personal Data Protection

Find out more about our Initiatives to address the growth of Africa’s internet economy, internet governance and managing online security 

  1. Great African Museum 

The African Charter for African Cultural Renaissance recognises the important role that culture pays in mobilising and unifying people around common ideals and promoting African culture to build the ideals of Pan-Africanism. The Great African Museum project aims to create awareness about Africa’s vast, dynamic and diverse cultural artefacts and the influence Africa has had and continues to have on the various cultures of the world in areas such as art, music, language, science, and so on. The Great African Museum will be a focal centre for preserving and promoting the African cultural heritage.

Find out more about our projects aimed at building and celebrating Africa’s diverse historical and cultural heritage 

  1. Encyclopaedia Africana

The Encyclopaedia Africana aims to provide an authoritative resource on the authentic history of Africa and African life. The Encyclopaedia provides Africans a body of truth to guide and unite them in their development with foundations in all aspect of the African life including history, legal, economic, religion, architecture and education as well as the systems and practices of African societies.

The Encyclopaedia Africana provides an African worldview of the people, culture, literature and history of Africa and is a key tool to be used to educate, inform and set the records straight regarding the history, culture and contributions of African people throughout the world.


Agenda 2063 is a visionary framework that encapsulates the aspirations of an integrated, prosperous, and peaceful Africa. By focusing on inclusive development, regional integration, and sustainable growth, Agenda 2063 aims to position Africa as a formidable force on the global stage, driven by the collective efforts of its people and leaders. Through continued commitment and strategic implementation, Agenda 2063 holds the promise of transforming Africa into a beacon of hope and progress for the future.

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